MEMA's 2010 Criteria ÇÓÓ ÇáÇÎÊíÇÑ

It is granted only by press people who are working in a minimum of 10 different newspapers and magazines according to close voting and the winner must be a musical figure who has enriched the music industry with a highly successful piece of work throughout the same year of competition, he/or she can be a singer, composer, arranger or any other person related to the musical field…
2-MEMA Prestigious TALENT Award
It is granted only by the owner & Founder of the MEMA and the winner must have more than three talents that he/or she has proven successfully in the music industry in the same year of the competition, i.e. (the winner is singing, composing and acting with a measurable success in all of them)
3-MEMA Encouragement Awards
It is granted by the committee to those rising artists who had their publicity shown in the public voting in the first stage of the competition, however did not pass through to the finals and deserve to have encouragement from the MEMA according to their work.
4-MEMA Honor Awards
It is granted only by the committee to those who deserve a thank you while he/she still giving out their effort and affecting positively the music industry in the Middle East.
MEMA Official Awards
1-MEMA Best Singer, The artist must have released at least three albums in his career.
Criteria of choosing:  
- Have released at least a song in the year of the competition.
- Should be nominated by the public in the first phase by either the voting or marketing researches.
-The judge committees decide the final winner according to Voice, Charisma and his publicity.
2-MEMA Best Female Singer, The artist must have released at least three albums in her career.
Criteria of choosing:  
-Have released at least a song in the year of the competition.
-Should be nominated by the public in the first phase by either the voting or marketing researches.
-The judge committees decide the final winner according to Voice, Charisma and her publicity. 
3-MEMA Best Youth Singer, The artist must have released at least two albums in his career.
Criteria of choosing:  
-Have released at least a song in the year of the competition.
-Should be nominated by the public in the first phase by either the voting or marketing researches.
-The judge committees decide the final winner according to Voice, Charisma and his publicity.
4-MEMA Best Female Youth Singer, The artist must have released at least two albums in her career.
Criteria of choosing:  
-Have released at least a song in the year of the competition.
-Should be nominated by the public in the first phase by either the voting or marketing researches.
-The judge committees decide the final winner according to Voice, Charisma and her publicity.
5-MEMA Best Rising Singer, The artist must have released at least one song but have no albums.
Criteria of choosing:  
-Have released at least a song in the year of the competition.
-Should be nominated by the public in the first phase by either the voting or marketing researches.
-The judge committees decide the final winner according to Voice, Charisma and his publicity.
6-MEMA Best Rising Female Singer, The artist must have released at least one song but have no albums.
Criteria of choosing:  
-Have released at least a song in the year of the competition.
-Should be nominated by the public in the first phase by either the voting or marketing researches.
-The judge committees decide the final winner according to Voice, Charisma and her publicity.
7- MEMA Best Band,
Criteria of choosing:  
- Have released at least a song in the year of the competition.
- Should be nominated by the public in the first phase by either the voting or marketing researches.
-The judge committees decide the final winner according to Voice, Charisma, Harmony and their publicity.
8-MEMA Best Producer (Producing & Arranging)
Criteria of choosing:  
-Have released at least a song in the year of the competition.
-Should be nominated by the public in the first phase by either the voting or marketing researches.
-The judge committees decide the final winner according to songs and/or albums success as well as quantity & quality of the artist work during the year of competition and compared with other competitors.
9-MEMA Best Composer
Criteria of choosing:  
-Have released at least a song in the year of the competition.
-Should be nominated by the public in the first phase by either the voting or marketing researches.
-The judge committees decide the final winner according to songs and/or albums success as well as quantity & quality of the artist work during the year of competition and compared with other competitors.
10-MEMA Best Poet
Criteria of choosing:  
-Have released at least a song in the year of the competition.
-Should be nominated by the public in the first phase by either the voting or marketing researches.
-The judge committees decide the final winner according to songs and/or albums success as well as quantity & quality of the artist work during the year of competition and compared with other competitors.
11-MEMA Best Song
Criteria of choosing:  
-Should be nominated by the public in the first phase by either the voting or marketing researches.
-The judge committees decide the final winner according to their personal opinion putting in consideration the results of the public opinion if they can officially match.
12-MEMA Best Song in a motion picture,
Criteria of choosing:  
-The role of the song in terms of the motion picture success.
-Should be nominated by the public in the first phase by either the voting or marketing researches.
-The judge committees decide the final winner according to their personal opinion putting in consideration the results of the public opinion if they can officially match.
13-MEMA Best single,
Criteria of choosing:  
-Should be nominated by the public in the first phase by either the voting or marketing researches.
-The judge committees decide the final winner according to their personal opinion putting in consideration the results of the public opinion if they can officially match.
14-MEMA Best Video Clip,
Criteria of choosing:  
-Should be nominated by the public in the first phase by either the voting or marketing researches.
-The judge committees decide the final winner according to the PICTURE, DIRECTING and PRODUCTION.
15-MEMA Best Director,
- Goes to the MEMA best video clip.
- Has directed at least three vedio clips in his career.
16-MEMA Best Album,
Criteria of choosing:  
-Have been released at same year of the competition.
-Should be nominated by the public in the first phase by either the voting or marketing researches.
-The judge committee decides the final winner according to singer publicity, album quality and number of hit songs in the album according to public and committee opinions. 
17-MEMA Best Duet,
Criteria of choosing:  
-Have been released at same year of the competition.
-Should be nominated by the public in the first phase by either the voting or marketing researches.
-The judge committee decides the final winner according to Voices, Charisma and publicities of the duet song itself.
18-MEMA Best Sound Engineer,
Criteria of choosing:  
-Have released at least a song in the year of the competition.
-The judge committees decide the final winner according to songs, video clips and/or albums success as well as quantity & quality of the artist work during the year of competition and compared with other competitors.
19-MEMA Best artist Business Manager,
-Goes to the MEMA best singer Artist Manager in any of its categories according to the best reputation in the market.
20-MEMA Best Production Company,
-  Goes to the company which has quality production and acted like real producer and distributer for the success of the album as well as the artist in comparison with other production companies in the same year of the competition.
21-MEMA Best TV music Channel,
-  Should be nominated by the public in the first phase by either the voting or marketing researches.
-  Goes to the musical channel that show the most quality music and video clips using great pictures in the same year of the competition.
22-MEMA Best RADIO music Channel,
-  Should be nominated by the public in the first phase by either the voting or marketing researches.
- Goes to the best content and the most spreaded channel that reach every one in the country of orgin.